Support Your Local Market

  • Donate to our SNAP market match fund

    For over a decade now our market has offered Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/EBT) incentives as a step to reduce the cost barrier to healthy local foods to our community. Your donation is a $1 to $1 match for our Market Match Program, doubling EBT/SNAP benefits spent at the market. Last season the North Adams Farmers Market matched over $25,000.00 of SNAP benefits spent at the market That's $50,000.00 of healthy local foods into the homes of local families who need it and $50,000.00 of income for our farmers, provided through this SNAP incentive program.

  • Volunteer

    Our market supports the community but in order for it to run it needs help from our community members too! If you are interested in volunteering with the North Adams Farmers Market, please reach out! This season we will need help loading and unloading vendors as well as people who can cover the market table and distribute our wooden nickels!

  • Become a Market Sponsor

    Consider providing business-level sponsorship to the market. Your sponsorship can be used to support Music at the Market, Events or Amenities at Market or fund our Market Manager position! The market is grateful to these local dream makers for their financial support making it possible for the market to make healthy local food accessible to everyone: Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, Berkshire United Way, Green Pastures Fund, Greylock Federal Credit Union, the Hardman Fund, and MountainOne